Solutions for Navigating the High Cost of College

Parents shouldn’t have to choose between their children’s college education and their family’s financial health.

To help you discover ways you can secure your financial future while helping your kids fund their education, Esther Szabo speaks with college planning expert Nancy Paul in today’s episode.

As the creator of the College Treasure Chest, an online resource that helps families find money for college, Nancy shares cost-saving strategies that will empower both parents and students to gain confidence, increase their opportunities, and find greater financial freedom!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why it’s never too early to plan for college
  • The ticket to more college admissions and funds
  • How to deal with the clash between parents and children around career choices
  • The societal pressure of college



Esther Szabo, Gates Pass Advisors

Esther is ready to share her practical and personal experiences to help other women clear their hurdles and brave life’s transitions.